12 good reasons for choosing FBS pipes made of concrete or reinforced concrete
Sustainability |
Sustainability means using natural resources to satisfy requirements but without a negative impact on the generations to come. A sustainable approach encompasses all stages of a product life cycle, from procuring and processing raw materials to utilizing the products and possibly continuing their use once the original phase of utilization has ended.

of concrete |
Concrete as a construction material offers not only a number of economic advantages and useful material properties but also an outstanding eco-balance in its production. Building with concrete means preserving resources in a sustainable manner and protecting what is valuable. To find out more, read the expert essays by Professor Stein & Partner GmbH: |

1. Economical
FBS concrete and reinforced concrete pipes are made of natural raw materials which are locally available anywhere (no dependence on imports or lack of resources). |

2. Durable
FBS pipes have a service life of more than a hundred years. |

3. Easily calculable
FBS concrete pipes are dimensionally stable and can be designed for all possible structural/load requirements and installation conditions. |

4. Resistant to high-pressure flushing
FBS concrete and reinforced concrete pipes are highly robust and withstand flushing pressures of up to 300 bar. |

5. Stable and non-floating
Due to their weight, there is no danger that the pipes will float or move during heavy rainfall or as a result of rising groundwater levels. |

6. Versatile
The pipes can be produced in a large variety of nominal sizes, shapes and pipe lengths as well as for any load case. |

7. Ecologically viable
FBS concrete and reinforced concrete pipes are produced of natural raw materials, facilitating energy efficient production methods and recycling. |

8. Abrasion resistant
The material structure and the wall thickness allow for high flow rates and ensure that high amounts of sand can be transported. |

9. Corrosion resistant
The pipes are suitable for draining communal wastewater and are resistant to solvents, cleaning agents and petroleum. |

10. Hydraulically efficient
Smooth wall surfaces (roughness values < 0.1mm) enable free flow without deposits. |

11. Temperature resistant
FBS concrete pipes are resistant to high temperatures and flammable liquids. |

12. Watertight
Watertightness is essential for all concrete pipes. |